A list of unpopular opinions often sparks curiosity and lively debates, as it delves into perspectives that challenge conventional thinking or widely accepted norms. These opinions can range from lighthearted takes on food preferences to bold views on societal issues, offering a fresh lens to explore diverse beliefs.
While some may find them controversial, such opinions encourage open-mindedness and critical discussions. This article presents a curated list of such thought-provoking ideas, sure to make you question the status quo and see things from a new angle.
List of Unpopular Opinions
Tea sucks.
Brown Cars
SEO is dead
Print is dead
Dirty is good
Virgins are real.
Identity politics.
I hate dumplings.
Milk is disgusting.
Chocolate is gross.
Pineapple on pizza.
Earth is a flat disk
Powerpoint is dead
Harry Potter is crap
99% of poetry sucks.
Love is not a choice.
Atheism is a religion.
Beyoncé is overrated.
Pug dogs aren’t cute.
Coldplay is overrated.
Pugs are ugly, not cute.
Raw onions taste good.
Chinese food is horrible.
Job searching can be fun.
Star Wars isn’t very good.
Marriage no longer works.
Strawberries are disgusting.
Naming your penis is stupid.
Beer out of a can tastes weird.
This is what we ask What are some unpopular opinions that people love to read?
Funny Unpopular Opinions
Cheese ruins flavorful dishes.
Bovril is better than Marmite.
Jason Momoa isn’t all that hot.
Vegetables are better than fruit.
Milk doesn’t build strong bones.
What’s the point of Ed Sheeran?
Custard is glorified child’s vomit.
Milk does not build strong bones.
Lunch is the best meal of the day.
Vegetables are better than dessert.
Beyoncé is an overrated performer.
Gordon Ramsay is pretty damn hot.
Making the bed is a pointless chore.
People drink gin because it’s trendy.
People that read are more intelligent.
I can’t stand pizza with tomato sauce.
Unpopular Opinions Funny
Foo Fighters are better than Nirvana.
Lord of the Rings is complete shite.
Mayo is better on chips than ketchup.
Quentin Tarantino is a hideous person.
Sweating and working out is enjoyable.
Beer tastes better at room temperature.
Onion rings are better than french fries.
Androids are better than Apple iPhones.
LinkedIn is better for dating than Tinder.
Tomatoes shouldn’t be considered a fruit.
You can have kids before you get married.
Nuts in chocolate are really, really, wrong.
Vanilla ice cream is better than Chocolate.
People who start every sentence with “so”.
Pot noodle sandwiches are very underrated.
Chocolate ice cream is absolutely disgusting.
Rice pudding is squelchy yuckiness in a bowl.
I think Simba from the Lion King is a little git.
I know what you’re thinking, but you’re wrong.
Tomatoes have zero taste and ruin sandwiches.
Tall men and small women love is unbreakable.
Strawberries get more credit than they deserve.
Gary Vee talks for hours and doesn’t say a thing.
People love to read some unpopular opinions to make their day.
Unpopular Opinions about Life
Jamie Oliver is the most irritating man on earth.
Michael Jackson just loves children and chimps.
Cold weather is much better than warm weather.
Water is a lot better than most soft/sugary drinks.
I don’t like dogs, any size or any breed. They smell.
Brunch is not bad, but it is dramatically overrated.
The smell of coffee is better than the taste of coffee.
It’s a bread roll, not a barm, a breadcake or a bap.
You won’t find true love. Better to settle for average.
My dick pic will make panties melt and women faint.
Going out on a date in a tracksuit isn’t disrespectful.
An automatic license is as good as a manual license.
Drinking wine isn’t classy. You’re just a posh drunk.
It’s okay to fart in front of your significant other lol.
Buying stylish clothes for babies is a waste of money.
Football is more of an American sport than baseball is.
Most women can’t drive (note: I am not most women).
Coffee isn’t that good – you’re just addicted to caffeine.
Office US is far better and funnier than the UK original.
Friends, the program is shite. Friends IRL is over rated.
Dating apps aren’t a good foundation for a relationship.
Drake’s music is awful, he’s talentless and fooling us all.
Hope you loved reading what are some unpopular opinions that people like to read and laugh.
Popular Unpopular Opinions
Above ground pools are more fun than in-ground pools.
A trip to the mountains is better than a trip to the beach.
Hot dogs are better than hamburgers and cheeseburgers.
People are cheap and want too much for too little money.
The wedding industrial complex is predatory capitalism.
People pay too much attention to other people’s business.
Mashed Potato is the most disgusting thing ever invented.
Balls taste better when dipped in salted caramel chocolate.
Showering at night is better than showering in the morning.
Self-checkouts are way easier than going through the cashier.
People who claim to hate online bullying yet do it themselves.
The open office environment is a breeding ground for germs.
Good Unpopular Opinions
Test cricket is the greatest invention ever made by humankind.
I don’t like Breaking Bad, The Walking Dead or Peaky Blinders.
Nando’s is completely overrated, overpriced and generally shite.
People who call other people “hun” are intellectually challenged.
AM and PM are dumb. Everyone should use 24-hour military time.
ALL social media and the self-obsessed culture of fake everything.
Olives are just disgusting. They stink. They’re oily. They have pips!
Dark chocolate digestives are better than milk chocolate digestives.
Sitting down in the shower is better than standing up in the shower.
Mushrooms are the work of the devil and should stay in the ground.
Pouring hot water on your windscreen to clear the ice will not crack it.
People who pick and choose the validity of science when it suits them.
Fuck the ’80s. It was awful to live through so why glorify that crap?
Pickle juice is delicious, nutritious, and a treat for your mouth and body.
Scones — definitely jam then cream, why would you do it any other way?
White people’s weddings are uniformly dull and monotonous in all facets.
The Bible is to popular culture what Kim Jung-Un is to golf. A pack of lies.
Best Unpopular Opinions
The show Friends is painfully unfunny and is the most overrated thing ever.
From 2000 onwards the quality of music and TV have both been in decline.
Films or tv shows based on sleeping with each other is not TV entertainment.
Avocados crushed are fucking guacamole and should never be eaten in public.
American pancakes with bacon and maple syrup are better than English ones.
99% of online marketing advice only works if what you’re selling is marketing.
LinkedIn is the best social media platform and everyone should be focusing on it.
High school sweethearts stay together for the title: not because they truly want to.
David Attenborough is overrated and nothing more than a glorified voice-over artist.
Why can’t all films that are sequels just put a fucking 2,3,4 at the end of all their films?
Writers — Please can they write their own stuff instead of having reboots/remakes, etc.
Hummus is grated spew made by the devil to convince meat eaters they’re being healthy.
Asking younger family members if they have a girlfriend/boyfriend yet is weird and rude.
Vegans, vegetarians etc… should praise us meat-eaters for keeping their precious plants safe.
People who connect with you and then send a huge message that’s full of waffle and bollocks.
The gym is, and always has been, an insidious place full of narcissistic men intimidating women.
Long walks on the beach are not that amazing to be listed as the ideal date in every guy’s Tinder bio.
So many people are so desperate for love that they forget to take the time to love and learn themselves.
GOT is so boring. It’s the equivalent of stabbing your eyes with a rectal examiner over and over again.
What are some unpopular opinions?: The number one most dangerous distraction on the road is your cell phone!
Funny Unpopular Opinions
There aren’t enough plants for everyone to switch to a plant-based diet, so stop trying to convert the world.
Musicals are just awful! All that bursting into spontaneous song will not bring about world peace or save humanity.
Marriage is a patriarchal tool that’s gaslighting women into giving away their sexual agency and right to take up their own space.
When people call themselves an “Influencer” but their way of influencing is posting a few meaningless words a few times a week to inspire.
What are some unpopular opinions? People that connect with you and then message you a few times a week just to say “Hi” or “How are you”?
Political correctness is killing the honest opinion in this world. I refuse to change the way I speak just because some people need to get out more.
People who have not yet had to live in the real world, working a real job and paying their way, dictating to others on how they should live their life.
Just because the average dress size in Australia is a 14–16 does not make it OK. We’re calling it body positivity but we’re encouraging obesity.
Disrupting the xyz industry” is the most annoying slogan. tagline thing that is said way too often. The word disruption has essentially lost all meaning.
Unpopular Opinions Funny
Baby on Board stickers on the back of cars are a waste of time. Me noticing a sticker just before I plow headlong into the back of your car isn’t a preventative action.
Just because I choose not to have children does not mean: I can’t, I don’t like children making me a weirdo, or you can spend all of your time trying to convince me why I should.
The whole politically correct gender pronoun thing. Drives me insane: he/she/we/them/her/him. Makes me want to come up with my own version: yeti/bigfoot/ballbagger/cryptid.
Nutella, chocolate on toast is a cry for help. I always did this as a child and one day I suddenly started having trouble breathing. Thank you, Nutella. Now I eat with a spoon and an EpiPen in hand.
Reality Stars are not stars. So why do people claim they are? And why are they doing so well financially considering they’ve offered the community nothing as well as not being talented?
Unpopular Opinions for Kids
Pineapple on pizza is delicious.
Christmas trees should be real, not fake.
Chicken nachos are better than beef nachos.
Dark Chocolate is better than Milk Chocolate.
Waffles and pancakes are basically the same.
Cold maple syrup is better than warm maple syrup.
A trip to the mountains is better than a trip to the beach.
What are some unpopular opinions? Pumpkin pie isn’t good.
The Star Wars movie series isn’t as good as everyone makes it out to be.
People care more about their wedding than they do about their marriage.
High school sweethearts stay together for the title: not because they truly want to.
Useless opions are always unpopular. They are useless and meaningless and hence they are nothing more than stupid advice and hence they are called an unpopular opinion.