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All types of Phrases and Quotes are represented in this blog. This is not a multi niche blog, it only contains Quotes which can be shared on social media on different Groups and Personal Contacts’
Thoughts for the day: Motivational Images with phrases, Happy Birthday wishes, Impressive phrases to share with loved ones to boost them start with the motivated early morning.
With the liberty of expression, it may happen that some of my phrases may resemble some of phrases available on the other blogs without the name of the author. I do not claim my proprietorship on any of the thoughts and phrases described in this blog.
If this happens in the process by any means, it is not meant to hurt the feelings of the writer who may have written taking an efforts to write it.
The main motto is to help the reader to express their feelings through the quotes and images available on this blog.
I wish to give good experience to the readers of this blog.