Thank You Message for My Boyfriend

When it’s time to celebrate, I know who to call! Thanks to everyone who made my birthday so fun!

I have celebrated a couple of birthdays and you are always there for me. Thank you very much for the love.

I can’t believe how fortunate I am to have great friends who make me feel so treasured. Thank you so much. 

You are forever present in my life, and ever willing at all times to help out even with the smallest things.

I am grateful that you are part of my life! Thank you for being at my birthday party. This is the best part of the day. 

You have always been special to me, and I am thankful that you were able to attend my birthday party.

The party last night was fun and a big surprise for as I turned 30. The cake you made was excellent too. Thank you for being part of my special day

To fulfill every year of life is wonderful if I am surrounded by the love of the people I love so much.