Rainy Day Quotes

”Don’t confuse your path with your destination. Just because it’s stormy doesn’t mean you aren’t headed for sunshine.”

”Like the sky opens after a rainy day we must open to ourselves. Learn to love yourself for who you are.

”Rain falls because the clouds can no longer handle the weight. Tears fall because the heart cannot handle the pain.”

Rainy Day Quotes Short

”Do not be angry with the rain; it simply does not know how to fall upwards.” “Hope is a rainbow of thought.” 

“Let the rain kiss you. Let the rain beat upon your head with silver liquid drops. Let the rain sing to you a lullaby.”

“Everyone wants happiness and nobody wants pain, but you can’t make a rainbow without a little rain.”

”Clouds come floating into my life, no longer to carry rain or usher storm, but to add color to my sunset sky.”

“I think rain is necessary to the mind as vegetation. My very thoughts become thirsty, and crave the moisture.”